Apt. 9 in Trade

I love making chapbooks through Apt. 9 Press. It is a great joy to publish work by writers I admire, work I inevitably wish I had written. Due to the time and labour-intensive nature of Apt. 9 productions, print-runs are necessarily limited. Typically 50 copies, with occasional reprints when circumstances call for it. One consequenceContinue reading “Apt. 9 in Trade”

Jim Smith (November/December Reading Miscellany Part Two)

Mansfield Press rolled into Ottawa at the beginning of December with its Fall lineup. Mansfield has developed a consistently exciting list in recent years, balancing young poets (Leigh Nash, Jamie Forsythe) with elder statesmen (David McFadden, Nelson Ball) under the careful editorial stewardship of Stuart Ross and good sense and design sensibility of publisher DenisContinue reading “Jim Smith (November/December Reading Miscellany Part Two)”

The Factory Reading Series: A VERSeFest Fundraiser

I will be giving a talk on Raymond Souster as part of a fundraiser for VERSeFest organized by rob mclennan through his Factory Reading Series this coming Thursday. Pearl Pirie and Stephen Brockwell will also be speaking. Pearl has all the details in a comprehensive post over at Pesbo. VERSeFest has been a good thingContinue reading “The Factory Reading Series: A VERSeFest Fundraiser”

Review: Impossible Books (The Carleton Installment) by Stephen Brockwell

[Originally published at Ottawa Poetry Newsletter, 24 May 2011] Impossible Books (the Carleton Installment) Stephen Brockwell Ottawa: above/ground press, August 2010. Stephen Brockwell’s “Impossible Books project” (this above/ground book is its second installment) is an ongoing series of individual poems that are presented as excerpts from imagined “impossible” books. The impossible books of this installmentContinue reading “Review: Impossible Books (The Carleton Installment) by Stephen Brockwell”